
英 [fɪ'æskəʊ] 美[fɪ'æsko]
  • n. 惨败
  • n. (Fiasco)人名;(意)菲亚斯科



复数: fiascos;


1. fiasc- (谐音“非哀【āi】失客”-----非常悲【bēi】哀【āi】的【de】失败了的【de】人、非【fēi】常悲哀的失【shī】败了的客人) + -o (意【yì】大利语后【hòu】缀)=> fiasco: 既然是非常悲哀的那种失【shī】败,当然就是【shì】惨【cǎn】败了。
2. flagon, flask => fiasco: perhaps from mean "to play a game so that the one that loses will pay the fiasco," in other words, he will buy the next bottle (of wine), to the notion of "a costly mistake".
3. Fiasco一词来源【yuán】于意【yì】大利语,本意是“长颈瓶,玻璃瓶【píng】”。从19世纪【jì】中期起,人们开始用fiasco来表【biǎo】示【shì】“完全的失【shī】败,惨【cǎn】败”。那【nà】么,“惨败”和“瓶子”之【zhī】间究竟【jìng】有什么联系呢?这【zhè】里有两种说法。

第一种说法认为fiasco的【de】“惨败”之【zhī】义【yì】起源于【yú】剧院。在戏【xì】剧表演中,fare fiasco指的是【shì】“说【shuō】错台词【cí】”或“表演失误”。这可能与发【fā】生在舞台上的某【mǒu】次意外【wài】有关,比如摔破瓶子。久而久【jiǔ】之【zhī】,fare fiasco就成了“灾祸”的代名【míng】词了。

第二种推测的可【kě】能性更大。这种说法认为fare fiasco和意大利的吹【chuī】玻璃工人有关【guān】。工【gōng】人在制【zhì】造饰品过程中如果出了差错【cuò】,就【jiù】将这【zhè】些废【fèi】玻璃留下【xià】来【lái】,供【gòng】制造质量稍【shāo】次的【de】长颈瓶或玻璃瓶使用,也就是这里【lǐ】所【suǒ】说的fare fiasco(制【zhì】造瓶子)。而fare fiasco或fiasco则进一【yī】步被引申为 “差【chà】错”或“出差错的【de】行【háng】为”。


fiasco 惨败



fiasco: [19] In Italian, a fiasco is literally a ‘bottle’ (the word comes from medieval Latin fiasco, source of English flagon and flask). Its figurative use apparently stems from the phrase far fiasco, literally ‘make a bottle’, used traditionally in Italian theatrical slang for ‘suffer a complete breakdown in performance’. The usual range of fanciful theories has been advanced for the origin of the usage, but none is particularly convincing.
=> flagon, flask
fiasco (n.)
1855, theater slang for "a failure in performance;" by 1862 it had acquired the general sense of "any ignominious failure or dismal flop," on or off the stage. It comes via the French phrase fiare fiasco "turn out a failure" (19c.), from Italian far fiasco "suffer a complete breakdown in performance," literally "make a bottle," from fiasco "bottle," from Late Latin flasco "bottle" (see flask).

The literal sense of the image (if it is one) is obscure today, but "the usual range of fanciful theories has been advanced" [Ayto]. Century Dictionary says "perhaps in allusion to the bursting of a bottle," Weekley pronounces it impenetrable and compares French ramasser un pelle "to come a cropper (in bicycling), literally to pick up a shovel." OED keeps its distance and lets nameless "Italian etymologists" make nebulous reference to "alleged incidents in Italian theatrical history." Klein suggests Venetian glass-crafters tossing aside imperfect pieces to be made later into common flasks. But according to an Italian dictionary, fare il fiasco used to mean "to play a game so that the one that loses will pay the fiasco," in other words, he will buy the next bottle (of wine). If the dates are not objectionable, that plausibly connects the literal sense of the word with the notion of "a costly mistake."


1. The blame for the Charleston fiasco did not lie with him.


2. His last visit to Washington was little short of a fiasco.


3. "It's a fiasco," he stormed.


4. The meeting was a fiasco from start to finish.


5. The new play was a fiasco.
